Get Motivated, Uncategorized

Journey to Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking has not been easy. If only I had a nickel for every time I have tried to quit smoking. I would probably have saved the equivalent if any of those times had been successful. But that's neither here not there at this point. Because I have finally done it! I had tried it… Continue reading Journey to Quitting Smoking

Get Motivated

Last 100 Days

The year is almost over. We are in the last 100 days of the year. I have so many areas to grow in. My personal life, my family life, my business life, and all the other places I hand little bits of myself out too. I'm just wanting to chat about my plans and put… Continue reading Last 100 Days

My Tired Soul

You Don’t Have To Do It All

I'm THAT mom. We just celebrated our son's 11th birthday. Every birthday from before he can remember, except for the one we spent at the fair because he was finally tall enough, I have been THAT mom. You know what I'm talking about. The Pinterest mom or in the very least, the go to Wal-Mart… Continue reading You Don’t Have To Do It All

My Tired Soul

Find the Silver Lining

It could always be worse. You have to count your blessings. Look for the silver lining. How many times have you heard those sayings when you are feeling down or upset or slick pissed off about something? It does no good and in fact most of the time, for me personally, pisses me off even… Continue reading Find the Silver Lining

My Tired Soul

The Tired Soul

'Are you feeling okay?" "I'm fine. Just tired." But you aren't "just tired" are you? Tired is something that can be cured with a good nights sleep or helped with a cup of coffee. This feeling that you have, its like your very bones ache. It's a tiredness deep in your soul. You know you… Continue reading The Tired Soul